Life After Zog is part of “This Unfolds”, show curated by Leela Clarke and included in the Ffotogallery summer season program “Wish You Were Here” (Cardiff). This Unfolds is a group exhibition featuring a small selection of the many exciting new photographic artists working across Wales today. Engaging with a range of themes and ideas, […]
Fresh Faced and Wild Eyed 2011
July 2011I have been selected as a finalist for the graduate selection FreshFacedandWildeyed2011, curated by The Photographers’ Gallery, London. The judges for 2011 are: Edmund Clark, photographer; Tim Clark, editor-in-chief of 1000 Words Photography Magazine; Louise Clements, Artistic Director at QUAD and FORMAT International Photography Festival; and Brett Rogers, Director, The Photographers’ Gallery. Online exhibition
EXHIBITION Esprit Mediterraneen
July 2011I have been invited to show a selection of work from Life After Zog at the exhibition Esprit Méditerranéen, curated by Cosmo Laera and Clara Gelao. Esprit Méditerranéen Bari – Pinacoteca Provinciale 14 July 2011 – 6 November 2011 Info in Italian
ava publishing
June 2011A selection from ‘Life after Zog’ is included in the book ‘Context and Narrative in Photography’ for AVA publishing, by Maria Short. Link to Amazon
Unless you will, Issue 15
June 2011Life After Zog is featured in UYW, the Australian online journal curated and founded by Heidi Romano. Link to UYW, issue 15
The New Yorker’s Blog
June 2011Thank you Jessie Wender for sharing my work on The New Yorker’s blog. Link
EXHIBITION/WORKSHOP Idea Store Whitechapel, London
May 2011An exhibition from the series Enlightened is opening on the 19th of May 2011 at The Gallery at the library Idea Store Whitechapel in London and will be on until the 19th of June. Link
EXHIBITION National Portrait Gallery, London
May 2011Sian Phillips’ portrait, commissioned by National Museum Cardiff, is now on display in the National Portrait Gallery, London (in Room 39 on the ground floor).
The Photographers’ Gallery, London
March 2011‘The World in London Project’, The Photographers Gallery, London. Curated by Karen McQuaid. New commissioned work for a public portraiture project to coincide with London 2012 Olympics.